
Pleiadian Portal Activation on Shimizu Mountain

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Our meeting with the Pleiadian Portal Activation went beyond any possible imagination.

First of all, in the morning of the 17th a few of us participated to a private meeting with Benjamin Fulford in Fukuoka.
He kindly confirmed his support to our Technology Team during the building of the QEG device, offering his protection and eventually his connections to bring the device to the public once we will have completed and tested it.
You can read more about QEG in Japan here:

Then, he affirmed the importance of Asia during this period to bring the whole planet out of darkness sharing with us the importance of the meeting with the Cobra group in March.

After Fukuoka we gathered 15 people in Tachibana Village which is very close to Shimizu Mountain, believed by many as an old Pleiadian base on our planet.
In the afternoon of the 17th some of us had the opportunity to visit the Kyomizu Temple on the way to the top of the Shimizu Mountain. This temple and its wonderful Pagoda, very similar to an antenna, are another proof that those places are much more than simple mountains.
After the dinner break in the pleasant Yume Tachibana Village, we went to the top of the Shimizu Mountain and at 00.10 a.m. we started our meditation for the Pleiadian Portal Activation.
People in our group had different and strong feelings at the time of the Activation:
A few people felt strong energy coming from the sky, others felt surrounded by positive entities and  some others felt like the forest around was alive.
At the end we strongly felt that this Portal has been another milestone to the road to the final Victory of the Light.

On the 18th we had our weekly meeting in Oomuta.
We were able to share our feelings about the Pleiadian Portal Activation and the majority of us felt really changed. The energies within the group were already different and there was much more connection between all of us.
The meeting itself was very different from the previous ones due to the energies we were still processing from the night before. During the whole afternoon we felt very sweet and deep energies all around the group and for the very first time we felt like we had become a real family.
Moreover, we had the opportunity to talk about the QEG device and many people have already donated and are still donating to make that dream come true.
On the other hand our Technology Team is working to reduce the amount of money needed to build that device and we hope that we’ll soon be able to announce it.
At the end we concluded our meeting with the Weekly Liberation Meditation, you can watch the video here:

We will keep these energies alive and we’ll have our next meeting on Sunday the 25th of May in Kitakyushu from 13:00 to 17:00.
We will share our experiences during the Pleiadian Portal Activation and we’ll finally work on the rebuilding of the PFC (Prepare for Change) in Japan.
You can visit the official PFC page here:

We have been informed the PFC in Japan has been hijacked during the last year completely separating from its real purpose which was decided by the Resistance Movement and then formed by the people and for the people during and after the Cobra Conference in Rome in March 2013.
The real purpose of Prepare for Change is to help and assist people during and right after the Event, working with the Resistance Movement to prevent any possible chaos.
Those who feel guided to participate into this mission are more than welcome to come to our next meeting.  

Victory of the Light






803-0835 福岡県北九州市小倉北区井堀5丁目1
プレイディアンポータル活性化で感じ・体験したことを共有し、PFC Japanの再建をします。オフィシャルブログはこちらから:

レシスタンス・ムーブメントによって決められ、2013年コブラ・ポータルコンファレンス・ローマの前後、人々によって結成されたPrepare For Change。一方でPFC Japanは本来の目的を失い、完全に分離され、ハイジャックされたことを聞きました。
本来のPrepare For Changeは起こりえるカオスを避けるためレシスタンス・ムーブメントと一緒に働きながら、イベントの間・後の為に人々を援助します。

Victory of the Light

2 件のコメント:

  1. 興味深く読ませて頂いております。

    『PFC Japanは本来の目的を失い、完全に分離され、ハイジャックされたことを聞きました。』



    1. PFC(Prepare for Change)が創設された理由はこのポストまたはオフィシャルウェブサイトで説明されています。http://prepareforchange.net/(今ニュールネッサンスグループが翻訳しています。)
      レシスタンス・ムーブメントから地表面にいる人々に与えられたミッションからPFC Japanの幾人かは離れていていってしまいました。

      Victory of the Light
