
Meeting in Kokura

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

We met on Sunday the 25th of May in Kokura.

Firstly, we shared many updates about the Pleiadian Portal Activation from Cobra and from some of the members who managed to attend the Stein-am-Rhein conference.
We know this activation has been a real success on many levels, but we are also aware that this made the Cabal very angry and many people have already experienced some attacks.
We were so sharing our personal experiences during the activation and the following week.
Many of us are establishing a strong connection to the ET races and 4 people were also able to have a direct visual contact on the night of the activation.
Instead some other people are experiencing attacks both on the physical and etheric plane. Even I received a nice suprise on the morning of the 24th when I realized that someone or something broke into my laptop and formatted it during the night.
We know the Cabal can be very strong, but we are perctly aware of our power and of our final Vicotry of the Light.

After this, we also talked about the QEG device and many progress have been made during this week, you can watch this video here:

Many other people have donated and we are already ordering the parts needed. Very soon we'll be able to announce the final cost of this project.
You can partecipate to this project and donate here:

As programmed, we also worked on the rebuilding of the PFC Japan (Prepare for Change).
We managed to form all of the 6 groups needed and from the next meeting we'll keep working on this. Needless to say, our group has already been working as a real PFC in many fields, but now on we will be also working to support and assist the RM and the general population at the time of the Event.
In the meanwhile our New Renaissance Team is working on the Japanese translation of the official website, which you can visit here:

As usual, we concluded our meeting with the Weekly Liberation Meditation. You can watch the video here:

We will have our next Sunday meeting on the 1st of June in Dazaifu, Fukuoka.

Victory of the Light






計画していたように、25日Preare for Change Japanを再建しました。6グループ必要なのですが、幸運にも私達のグループは全て結成することができました。言うまでもなく、私達は色々な分野でPFCとして既に動いています。ですがこれからは、レシスタンスをサポートし、イベントの為に人々をサポートしていきます。





Victoy of the Light

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