It seems there are people trying to sabotage Cobra’s work and discredit him. For those who say no one attacks Cobra—therefore he must be cabal—perhaps this will assuage your fears. Cobra has been attacked in the past and continues to be.
And for those who believe we should all accept whatever Cobra says as gospel or else we are betraying him somehow… come on. We all need to have discerning minds and exercize critical thinking. No one can tell us what to think. Even Rob confirms he sometimes sees things differently than Cobra.
As I’ve said before, if everyone embodied the integrity of Cobra, the world would be a far better place.
Here’s an excerpt from Rob’s post in today’s newsletter. ~ BP
My Cobra interview will be on Tuesday [May 20] and you can look for it here on PFC after we modulate his voice etc. We hope to have this up by Friday or so!
There have been several people who are trying to make a name for themselves by writing fiction and trashing other way more relevant websites and light worker personalities including my own. Here are links to the real inside info on this dis information site. I will reveal in my radio show Sunday May 18th that one of the people who ran or are still running this dis info agents is alleged to be now dead. See the archived show here:
Here are the links exposing this site as fraud and one of these links indicates NSA eavesdropping may be involved.♦-theidylwildgroup-fraud/
There has recently been some other channel trying to discredit Cobra as well. This con artist who I will not mention to increase their website traffic has increased their hits by trying to discredit cobra’s information.
Folks, Cobra is a real person he is sincere and he is not Cabal or trying to spread dis info. The veracity of his information is for each person to decide for him or herself. For the record I do not personally agree with every single bit of information Cobra posts. However his integrity as a real and sincere person who is doing his best to heal the planet is indisputable, in my opinion and I have spent considerable time with him.
Some of his intelligence may be confusing or seem to contradict itself. However I have asked him for clarification on occasion and it is usually because his posts are very brief. He is a person of few words and sometimes the details are not complete. When asked about these inconsistencies his answers usually clear up the confusion. I am fortunate to be able to ask these questions to him personally but there is certainly no direct intent to mislead or confuse.
I am proud to call him my friend. His inside RM intelligence, which he has shared involving the more advanced metaphysical aspects of the implant matrix, are new and originate on his Portal 2012 Blog. His expose on Archons, the advanced scalar technologies that are run from the etheric plane are insightful. I also find his explanations of the multi-dimensional aspects of the principalities and powers that are influencing our world to be right on, from my personal experiences.
Also his explanations of the invisible implant matrix and the etheric and astral parasites are newly revealed information to the world at large. Before Cobra there was very little discussion or understanding about these things. Now every channel and many others are expounding on these things based on his revelations of this information. He has led the way in advanced information designed for more advanced and discerning meta-physicians. This is being done to bring people up to speed on the very complex realty we call the control matrix.
There are so many people who flip flop on Cobra information. They cannot decide on whether he is sincere or if he is some diabolical agent of evil. These people in my opinion are usually not quite sure who or what is real and this is to be expected and a normal part of being skeptical and wanting proof on new information. This is normal and part of learning.
Nonetheless all are entitled to their own opinion. Few will note Cobra NEVER comments on others personally or tries to defend himself personally. Other can attack and usually they are the ones who have never met him. I am consistently pleased he has been proven accurate on many things. There were those who felt the war in Syria was inevitable, including many channels. Cobra said NO it will not happen and the NWO is moving on to Ukraine for their WW3 plans.
Though Ukraine has caused many horrendous acts of violence and atrocities no major world war powers will succeed in their attempts to create larger and sustained military actions. Use your own intuition and have no fear, as the Truth will be laid bare in due course.
Please do stay tuned in to PFC we will be announcing even more changes to be an interactive link to the world at the time of the EVENT.
Warm Regards
Victory To the Light
PFC leadership
Rob Potter
今Prepare for Changeからのニュースレターを受け取っているからこそ、ロブ・ポッターから素晴らしい情報を得ています。
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